618.978.0399 -or- 312.884.9022 info@isresearch.com

Web Site Overnight

Want to see some websites right away?  Click here and you can see 50 websites that we can modify for your business or project.

This concept allows you to have a live in-production web site tomorrow. That’s right, if we have your content and your images by 5:00pm today we will have your web site up and running tomorrow morning. Of course there are a couple of caveats. You can’t have a 200 page web site, The text must be english, and a few others but for most 5-10 page web sites overnight is the target date.

In actual practice, it usually takes a bit longer as you consider the options. We are happy to work with you on setting goals for the web site, identifying the customer, creating the message and putting it all into a rich experience. If you want to understand some of the things you need to considert, take a look at our web questionnaire. Don’t panic, you don’t need to answer everything on the form.

To get started and get your questions answered, send us a message using our [contact form] or give us a call at 618.978.0399

Your web site can be like some of the sites featured on the right. Just click on any of the thumbnails and you will be taken to the live website that isResearch created for these clients.

Keep in mind, this is not a barebones web site, you will have your choice of the following modules:

The base system will be a Web Content Management System (CMS) which is generally defined as a system to control a large, dynamic collection of material (web page content, images, and graphics). A web based CMS generally provides

the following key features:

  • Automated templates – Create standard visual templates that can be automatically applied to new and existing content, creating one central place to change that look across a group of content on a site.
  • Easily editable content – Once your content is separate from the visual presentation of your site, it usually becomes much easier and quicker to edit and manipulate. Most CMS software includes WYSIWYG editing tools allowing non-technical individuals to create and edit content.
  • Web standards upgrades – Active CMS solutions usually receive regular updates that include new feature sets and keep the system up to current web standards.
  • Workflow management – Workflow is the process of creating cycles of sequential and parallel tasks that must be accomplished in the CMS. For example, a content creator submits a story but it’s not published on the website until the copy editor cleans it up, and the editor-in-chief approves it.
  • Document management – CMS solutions may provide a means of managing the life cycle of a document from initial creation time, through revisions, publication, archive, and document destruction.
  • Scalable feature sets – Most CMS have plug-ins or modules that can be easily installed to extend an existing site’s functionality.

The plug-in modules or applications that isResearch is offering includes:

  1. Blog – otherwise known as a web log or online commentary/diary.
  2. Chat – Allows real-time online chat between users.
  3. Classifieds – Allows posting classified ads.
  4. Contact Management – Contact Management – i.e. Rolodex or Outlook Contacts
  5. Data Entry – application to build simple data entry applications.
  6. Discussion/Forum – Message board for topical discussions.
  7. Events Calendar – Tracks events and displays in calendar(s)
  8. Events Management – Create events and allow users to sign up.
  9. FAQ Management – Application to organize frequently asked questions.
  10. File Distribution – Distributes files for viewing or download based upon privileges of user.
  11. Groupware – Application to provide email and group scheduling.
  12. Guest Book – Guest log – sometimes called graffiti.
  13. Help Desk/Problem Reporting – creating trouble tickets and alerts.
  14. Job Postings – application to manage job listings.


  15. Link Management – automated link management to build link exchanges.
  16. Mail Form – customizable ‘contact us’ forms.
  17. My Page/ Dashboard – portal applications which let’s users modify their page.
  18. Newsletter – allows users to add/delete to/from a list of available emails.
  19. Photo Gallery – Module to display thumbnails and images.
  20. Video Gallery – Module to play almost any type of video online. Great for training or showing off your product or service.
  21. Polls – application to manage simple single question polls with real time results.
  22. Product Management – module to organize product features and benefits – catalog.
  23. Project Tracking – managing project tasks and due dates.
  24. Search Engine – internal search of all documents on the web site.
  25. Site Map – dynamic creation of a table of contents.
  26. Stock Quotes – stock ticker information – delayed.
  27. Surveys – application to manage complex multi-question surveys.
  28. Syndicated Content (RSS) – Application for retrieving and displaying RSS syndicated content.
  29. Tests/Quizzes – module to administer tests.
  30. Time Tracking – tracking time for payroll or billing.
  31. User Contributions – module to allow users to contribute content to site.
  32. Weather – weather information based on site or user location.
  33. E-Commerce including:
  • Affiliate Tracking – Tracking referrals for paying commissions.
  • Inventory Management – manages quantity on hand within site.
  • Payment Processing – allows plug-in of payment processing mechanism i.e. Paypal, Authorize.net, etc.
  • Shipping Calculations – Plug-in to calculate freight based upon weight, price, etc.
  • Sales Tax Calculations – Allows tax calculation to be modified.
  • Shopping Cart – Allow purchasing more than one item and purchase together.
  • Subscriptions – Manage time based subscriptions – with recurring billing.
  • Wish Lists – Allows user to build a wish list of items to purchase later.
  • And much,much more……
In addition to building your web site, we offer complete solutions for registering your domain name, hosting your web site and services which ensure that you stay in business including a disaster recovery plan, backups, updates for new software releases and more.

Again, to get started and get your questions answered, send us a message using our [contact form] or give us a call at 618.978.0399

Let us know how we can help.

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